Identify and underline the diphthongs in the following sentences, then read the sentences.
1.   He sold a whole gross of combs in Rome.
  • /hi/ /sld/ /ə/ /həʊl/ /ɡrs/ /ɑːv/ /km/ /ɪn/ /rm/
2.   Penny wise, pound foolish.
  • /ˈpen.i/ /waɪz/ /pnd/ /ˈfuː.lɪʃ/
3.   Count the vowel sounds in this noun.
  •  /knt/ /ðə/ /vəl/ /snds/ /ɪn/ /ðɪs/ /nn/
4.   The poor steward endures the cruel treatment of his furious pilot.
  •  /ðə/ /pʊər/ /ˈstuː.ɚd/ /ɪnˈdjʊər/ /ðə/ /krʊəl/ /ˈtriːt.mənt/ /ɑːv/ /hɪz/ /ˈfjʊə.ri.əs/ /ˈp.lət/
5.   The annoyed oyster disturbed by the noise from the closed its flowery shell.
  •  /ðiː/ /əˈnɔɪd/ /ˈɔɪ.stər/ /dɪˈstɜːbd/ /b/ /ðə/ /nɔɪz/ /frəm/ /ðə/ /kləʊzd/ /ɪts/ /ˈfl.ə.ri/ /ʃel/
Find the word with different vowel sound and bold it.
1.   soap        hope        sold          soup
2.   both        cloth        clothes       road
3.   case        lake         care       name 
4.   rain        said      care            train

Read the dialogue. Find the sound //.   Count it and write the number at the end of the line.
A : Why did Jim hit Bill?                                                        // = 1
B : Well, Jim's a guy who likes fight.                                       // = 3
A : But Bill's twice his size.                                                    // = 2
B : Yeah, that's why Jim got a black eye and thick lip.            // = 2
A : And Bill's got a big smile.                                                // = 1
B : That's right.                                                                     // = 1

Put one of the letters y, u, or w in each gap to make a word.  The word must contain the sound
/ɔɪ/ or /aʊ/ .  Write /ɔɪ/ or /aʊ/ after each word, like the example.

Town  /aʊ/
Boys   /ɔɪ/
Noise  /ɔɪ/
Found  /aʊ/
Point  /ɔɪ/
How  /aʊ/
Boil  /ɔɪ/
Hour  /aʊ/
Flower /aʊ/
Enjoy  /ɔɪ/

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