In English, we have vowels as in Bahasa.  But in Bahasa, there are only 5 vowels.  They are A, I, U, E, and O.  While in English, we have two kinds of vowels.
1.     Single vowel sounds (monothongs)
2.    Double vowel sounds (diphthongs)
In this section, we will learn about diphthong.

1.   /ei/ sound

How to pronounced /ɪə/ sound? (sound)

The tongue begins pushed somewhat forward but in neutral position in the mouth, and then, as the jaw closes slightly, the body of the tongue moves upward until it is near the tooth ridge, similar to the position of a y sound.  The front sides of the tongue touch the inside of the top teeth at the end of the sound.
When you say the letters of the alphabet, A has the long vowel sound /ei/.  You hear this sound in the word plane.

  •  Same 
  • Rain 
  • Play 
  • Weigh 
  • They 
  •  Break 
  •  Great 

/ei/ sound is frequently found when:


2.   /aɪ/ sound

When you say the letters of the alphabet, I has the long vowel sound /aɪ/.  you hear the sound /aɪ/ in the word wine.

How to pronounce /aɪ/ sound?
  1.  At the beginning of the sound, the tongue is low and touches the bottom, side teeth.
  2. As the jaw closes slightly, the body of the tongue moves upward until it is near the tooth ridge, similar to the position of a y sound.  The front sides of the tongue touch the inside of the top, side teeth.
  • Smile 
  •  Light 
  •  Die 
  •  Shy 
  •  Ice
  • sky 

/aɪ/ sound is frequently found when:
I-E (smile), IE (die), Y (cry)

But these spellings are not always pronounced /aɪ/ (fridge, city, friend)
/aɪ/ sound is sometimes found when:
IGH (high), UY (buy)
 3.   /əʊ/ sound

When you say the letters of the alphabet, O has the long vowel sound /əʊ/.  You hear this sound in the word note.
How to pronounce /əʊ/ sound?
1.      The body of the tongue is pushed back and in a low-to-mid mouth position and the bottom teeth can be felt along the sides of the tongue.
2.      The sound moves into a w sound by raising the jaw slightly while closing the lips into a small circle.  The body of the tongue moves upward until the tongue is near the back of the hard palate.
  • Boat 
  • Known 
  • Vote
  • Goes 
  • Most 
  • Rope 

/əʊ/ sound is frequently found when:

O (old), O-E (stone), OW (show), OA (coat), OE (toe)

 4.   /aʊ/ sound
 How to pronounced /aʊ/ sound?
  1. The sound begins with the jaw open and the body of the tongue in a low position in the mouth.  The bottom teeth can be felt along the sides of the tongue. 
  2. Then, as the jaw closes, the lips close into a small circle similar to the position of a w sound.  The body of the tongue moves upward until the tongue is near the back of the hard palate.
  • Brown 
  • Out 
  • Count 
  • Cow
5.   /ɔɪ/ sound
 How to pronounced /ɔɪ/ sound? (/ɔɪ/ sound)
  1. At the beginning of the sound the jaw is open about mid-way and the body of the tongue is in a low position in the mouth.  The bottom teeth can be felt along sides of the tongue. 
  2. Then the jaw closes slightly.  The body of the tongue moves upward until it is near the tooth ridge, similar to the position of a Y sound.  The front sides of the tongue touch the inside of the top, side teeth.
·         Voice
·         Point
·         Joy
·         Oil

6.   /ɪə/ sound

How to pronounce /ɪə/ sound?

During the production of /ɪə/ the distance between the jaws widens.


  • Dear
  • Near 
  • Here 

7.   /eə/ sound

In the word care”, we can get the vowel sound /eə/.  This vowel sound usually meets the letter R.  In many accents in England, the letter R is not pronounced after a vowel.  In other places, the R is pronounced, for example in most parts of North America.
·         Bear
·         Share
·         Dared
·         Stairs
·         Where

 /eə/ sound is frequently found when:


8.   /ʊə/ sound
To produce /ʊə/ sound, the front of the back of the tongue is raised and then it moves towards /ə/.
·         Sure
·         Cure
·         Poor

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